As a worshipping community, we actively encourage our families to worship together at home. We have a programme of school- home worship which reflects the Liturgical Year supporting our parents/carers in worshipping with their children at home.
The feedback from both parents and children is always very positive!
We focus on different virtues each term as part of our Character Education.
You can find out more about the Virtues we study by clicking on the Virtues tab in Catholic Life.
All the Virtues underpin our worship throughout the school year which of course is linked to the Liturgical year!
Scroll down to see the kinds of things we do each term!
Our Autumn began with a visit from Father Michael who also celebrated Mass for us. We gathered together in prayer and asked for God's blessing on our school community.
At the start of each school year our staff team and governors gather in church for our Commissioning Service. We focus on our vocation to support and nurture our children, light candles to remind ourselves to carry God's light with us always and pray our Mission together.
KS2 always enjoy their special class Masses in the Headspace room with Father Michael.
All the children had the chance to have the October school-home worship bag at their house and families welcomed the opportunity to pray the rosary together.
During the last week of half term we prepared for and then held our Harvest Liturgy. It was a wonderful celebration where we gave thanks to God for the harvest of the land and the sea. We were joined by lots of family members and parishioners. The donations were gratefully received by Brighouse Community Foodbank.
In the month of November we focus on Remembrance.
Representatives of school, along with their families and staff, attend the local community Remembrance Service and lay a school wreath at the cenotaph.
We say prayers, sing hymns and of course observe the 2 minutes silence to show our respect for those who have died in conflict around the world.
We also build our own Wall of Remembrance in school where we put the names of those we, our school community, have loved and lost. We then remember them in our prayers.
To mark the start of ADVENT in school we held our annual Blessing of the Wreaths liturgy.
We gathered together in the hall and each class brought their wreath and placed it on the worship table.
Our Travelling Crib journeyed . This is a chance for our families to reflect together at home on the true meaning of Christmas. Our children always enjoy taking this home.
Father Michael also came in to hear confessions from our Year 4,5 and 6 children as well as staff.
Our wonderful Nursery and Reception children presented the Nativity story to us in school and for their families too, reminding us of the true meaning of Christmas. How special!
As the term drew to a close we celebrated Advent Mass in school.
We have a tradition at St Joseph's where we gather on the last afternoon of Advent to sit around the tree and sing carols and listen and reflect on readings and the Nativity story. We also light all the candles on the Advent wreath.
Each day in school begins and ends with a prayer (see opposite) and of course we pray at other times of the day too. Reception and KS1 gather, as do KS2, to worship together. These prayer liturgies are led by Mrs Bonner and Mrs Foxcroft, with the support of some of the children. The worship is based around a piece of scripture which reflects the particular Virtue we are focusing on. A display in the hall builds up over the weeks helping us to make links between Bible stories and pieces of scripture.
Read our Prayer Liturgy Policy here
At least once a week a small group of children in each class will plan and lead a worship for their own class.
The younger children are supported by the staff but as they grow in both confidence and skill they become independent in doing this.
Their class worship reflects and reinforces the Virtue we are focusing on as an academy.
Our Spring Term began with Mass to mark, not only the start of the new term, but also Jesus' baptism.
This Mass was, as always, well supported by parents, carers and parishioners and was a wonderful start to our Spring term.
We gathered together in the hall for our Candlemas liturgy, remembering the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple.
Each class left the hall led by their class candle which will serve as a reminder to shine our light in all we do and say.
Morning Prayer
O my God you love me, you are with me night and day. I want to love you always in all I do and say. I'll try to please you Father, bless me through the day. Amen.
Prayer before Dinner
Bless us O Lord as we sit together; bless the food we eat today; bless the hands that made the food; bless those who have no food; bless us O Lord. Amen
Prayer after Dinner
O Lord we are so grateful for every cup and plateful, forgive us if we're wasteful, we are your family. Amen
End of Day Prayer
God our Father I come to say thank you for your love today. Thank you for my family and all the friends you give to me. Guard me in the dark of night and in the morning send your light. Amen.