Miss Baldwyn is our Class Teacher.
Miss Murray is our Teaching Assistant.
Keep your eye on the Class Dojo for updates and photos of Year 5 in action! You can also contact us on there!
St. David
St David is our class saint and we will be learning about him this year. He is the patron saint of Wales. His feast day is March 1st, which we will celebrate in class.
Here is our class mission which we have written together
In Year 5, we will be determined, proactive and eager to learn. We will strive to achieve in all our lessons and focus our minds on the task in hand.
We will be respectful, polite and generous to our friends and all the staff at school. We will try our hardest to synergize making our class a wonderful team to be a part of.
We will be trustworthy and kind hearted, always looking for ways to help each other. Most of all, we will try to put a smile on each other's faces and feel happy and joyful.
Our School Mission!
God asks us to
be the best version of ourselves.
God asks us to
try our best and keep everyone learning.
God asks us to
keep ourselves and others healthy and safe.
God asks us to
accept everyone.
God asks us to
look after others and the world around us.
Let us
Love, Learn and Live in Christ!
Our virtue this half term is Trust
Our topic this half term is "The Transforming Spirit". Here, we will look at the meaning of the word "disciple" and assess the strengths and weaknesses of some of the disciples. We will look at how the Holy Spirit changed the lives of the disciples and take time focusing on the special lives of Peter and Paul.
Class Charity
Shelter is our class charity.
So far we have raised £100 and will continue to raise money all year for this great organisation!
Curriculum Map
To have a look at the Year 5 Curriculum Map click on the link below.
Year 5 have their PE lesson on a Wednesday. They need their black shorts, white T-shirt and pumps in school at all times. At times PE lessons are outside so our children can bring a pair of jogging bottoms to keep them warm and they will also need their outdoor trainers on this day too.
This half term we are learning
The virtue our school family is focusing for this half term is Compassion.
Homework will be given each Wednesday and the children will be given their homework books to bring home on this day also. Homework needs to be handed back in by the following Wednesday to allow us time for marking.