Welcome to Year 1
Mrs Stewart is our Class Teacher. Mrs Midgley and Mrs Howgate are our Teaching Assistants.
If you need to contact us please use the Class Dojo messaging service.
St. Francis
Saint Francis is our class saint and his feast day is 4th October.
Class Charity
We are pleased to be supporting this wonderful charity in Year 1.
So far we have raised an amazing...
School Mission
God asks us to
be the best version of ourselves.
God asks us to
try our best and keep everyone learning.
God asks us to
keep ourselves and others healthy and safe.
God asks us to
accept everyone.
God asks us to
look after others and the world around us.
Let us
Love, Learn and Live in Christ!
We will learn how to spell common words in Y1.
Important Information for Y1
Long Term Plan: Click Here
P.E Day: Thursday
Reading Books: Please keep in book bags at all times. Read daily and comment and they will be changed weekly.
Snack Money: £1 to be paid weekly.
Important Dates
Welcome Back - 7th January
Virtue and British Value
Our whole school virtue for this half-term is....