In partnership with

St Joseph's Catholic Primary Academy, Finkil Street, Brighouse HD6 2NT

01484 713037

St Joseph's Catholic Primary Academy

We are proud to work with all the Catholic schools across our two local authority areas, particularly as the Trust grows and benefits from the expertise and knowledge that other schools joining in the future will bring.

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Questions and Answers about  our provision for  SEND

We have an open door policy and work with parents/carers should they have a worry or concern.

 We encourage them to talk to us as soon as possible so we can begin working towards a resolution.

How will St Joseph’s support my child?


  • Access to broad and balanced curriculum which is differentiated as appropriate and takes into account different learning styles
  • TA support in every classroom for at least 15 hours to both support those already identified with needs but also as a preventative measure for others
  • Quality of teaching and learning is monitored regularly by school leaders
  • Rigorous pupil tracking system ensures progress of all children is monitored
  • Children are involved in writing their own targets in their ‘Passport to Success’ which is reviewed regularly with them
  • SENCo is a member of Senior Leadership team with dedicated SENCo time
  • Detailed review system with 3 parent consultations and termly reviews for children on  the SEN register
  • Professional dialogue takes place regularly to ensure early identification of need takes place and appropriate provision is put in place
  • Good relationships with parents/carers and we welcome their views
  • Robust behaviour plan with consistent staff approach to behaviour across school, including a zero tolerance to bullying
  • Our Catholic Ethos is at the centre of all we do ensuring a shared vision for equality and inclusion for all

 How do we involve parents, children and young people?


  • Parent/carer meetings are held 3 times a year to discuss individual pupil progress
  • Individual review meetings of progress of targets
  • Open door policy to discuss any issues regarding a child
  • Each child with a Passport to Success meets with the teacher and/or SENCo to discuss their progress towards their targets, to review them and set new targets as appropriate
  • Pupils attend Review meetings when appropriate. We take into the account of all our children whether they attend the meetings or not

How do we help a child with physical needs?


  • School is wheelchair friendly with ramps for access, internally and externally
  • Disabled toilet
  • Sloping boards and laptops available for children who need support in writing, as well as pencil grips
  • Variable height tables and chairs available if needed
  • Some staff trained in moving and handling
  • Designated drop off and pick up parking space for children with physical difficulties

How do we help a child with speech and language needs?

  • Trained TA to deliver Speech and Language programmes
  • Staff experienced with Black Sheep Narrative and Word Wizard materials
  • IPad with Speech and Language programme –Proloquo2Go to aid independence
  • Some staff trained in SULP and  ‘Let’s Talk’ programmes

How do we help a child with sensory impairment?

  • Access to staff training and specialist advice for staff if needed

How do we help a child who has social and emotional difficulties?


  • 1-1 support to discuss issues
  • Circle time within class to discuss feelings
  • Small group session to discuss emotions and support social interactions
  • Lego therapy group for children who need support with social interactions
  • Range of social opportunities

 How do we help a child with behavioural difficulties?


  • Close liaison with other agencies to implement individual plans when needed
  • Signposts to specialist support or advice for children with ASD and their families
  • Staff ASD aware and use appropriate strategies to support children with ASD’s learning
  • Good relationships are built with parents/carers to better support the children in school
  • Professional dialogue among staff to ensure the chronology of a child’s journey is shared and all staff informed as necessary
  • Breakfast club available
  • Fitness each morning for KS2 before school
  • Staff work hard to build good relationships with each child to ensure they feel valued and supported
  • Behaviour policy is followed consistently – zero tolerance to bullying
  • Buddy system/Circle of Friends for those children who need it
  • Circle time may include a focus on relationships and emotions as needed

 How do we help a child who needs support with English?


  • Staff confident to identify areas of need within English in order to ensure best provision
  • Children are involved in writing their own English targets in their ‘Passport to Success’ if needed, which is reviewed regularly with them
  • Staff trained in providing dyslexia friendly teaching strategies and resources
  • Additional 1-1 reading with trained volunteers
  • Support to deliver programmes such as ‘Toe by Toe’ and additional intervention in phonics if needed
  • Small group phonic intervention to support children needing extra support
  • Small group guided reading and writing to support learning

 How do we help a child who needs support with maths?


  • Staff confident to identify areas of need within maths in order to ensure best provision
  • Children are involved in writing their own maths targets in their ‘Passport to Success’ if needed, which is reviewed regularly with them
  • Additional maths groups for children who need intervention
  • Range of ‘hands on’ resources to aid understanding and progress
  • Use of ICT to support learning

 How do we support a child who has medical needs?


  • Individual Health Care plans written with parents/carers as needed
  • Staff trained to meet individual needs
  • Staff trained in first aid – paediatric and in specialist areas as needed within individual cases
  • Special diets catered for wherever possible eg: gluten free

 How do we help a child who has English as an Additional Language (EAL)?

  • 2 staff with some experience in the use of translation through ICT programmes
  • Use of translators for parents/carers meetings as needed
  • Through use of translator we establish which documents need to be translated for parents/carers to understand

 How do we support a child with complex and multiple needs?

  • Liaise with local Primary Special School to seek support/ split placement
  • Risk assessments carried out in liaison with specialist support
  • Consultations with relevant outside agencies to provide an individual plan to best support the child
  • Build good relationships with the parents/carers to establish  partnership working

 How will we meet a child’s personal care needs?

  • All staff follow a clear code of conduct- Intimate Care Policy adhered to
  • Disabled toilet – providing space for personal care
  • Consult with outside agencies as appropriate to ensure needs are met appropriately

 How will we include children in activities outside the classroom including school trips?


  • Parents/carers consulted for advice as needed
  • Staff aware of any special need and will ensure that all children can be included
  • Residentials take place at a venue that can cater for a wide range of physical and medical needs to ensure all children can be accommodated and can be fully included in the activities
  • Extra staff as needed on trips to ensure all children can be included and risk assessment criteria are fulfilled
  • Arrangements may be made with parents/carers to transport children in designated staff cars (risk assessed) if walking or other transport is an issue
  • Arrangements made wherever possible to ensure all children can be included in after school clubs

 How do we prepare and support a child/young person for transition?


  • Visits to pre-school placements by staff
  • Extended visits to Reception class in Summer term before starting
  • Graduated start to Nursery / Reception if needed
  • Pre- visits arranged wherever possible for children joining the school mid- year or phase and/or buddies chosen to support them
  • Information sharing with the school the child is transferring from or to
  • 1-1 parent consultation or meeting with the SENDCo and relevant staff prior to the child starting to ensure their needs can be met
  • Allocation of support if needed as soon as possible before the child starts and relevant training, if any needed, takes place
  • Transition plans in place for Secondary School
  • Our SENDCo works with parents/carers as early as Year 4 to support them in selecting the right High School for their child and early visits are encouraged
  • Meetings with the High School Senco/Year 7 Leader take place and relevant information is shared
  • We suggest friendships for Form Groups to best support the child through induction
  • Ethos statements and annual E-Safety lessons delivered in line with current technologies to support the child
  • Extended visits to Secondary School as required
  • Independent travel training arranged when required

 How will we develop social skills throughout the school day, especially break times?


  • Play leaders support younger children in developing their social skills by organising structured games
  • Buddy system to support Reception children make the transition into school
  • Key staff deployed to monitor/support/suggest games as needed
  • Quiet area for the child and a chosen friend available if needed (table area if outdoor/library if indoor)
  • Equipment at break/lunchtimes are well organised to provide structure

 How do we allocate resources?


  • Support is allocated in line with a child’s needs
  • Every classroom has a teaching assistant for at least 15 hours to help implement individual targets
  • All children’s progress reviewed termly to ensure we are meeting these needs
  • Other resources such as theraputty, sloping boards and laptops are available and used as needed
  • Staff are available to the children whenever they need to talk or share worries or anxieties and a plan is put into place to address these immediately
  • Children with mobility needs in KS2 can access weekly swimming lessons through school if this will be of benefit

 How do we ensure all staff are well trained?


  • Well planned CPD ensures access to appropriate training courses
  • Specific training is organised in line with individual children’s needs as appropriate
  • Cascade training is delivered in school where appropriate

 How do we raise awareness of special educational needs for parents and the wider community?


  • Assemblies ensure differences as well as sameness are celebrated
  • We give the children examples of how they could and should help others with additional need, including disability awareness
  • All children’s achievements in and out of school are celebrated
  • We give all our children the chance to take part in all our activities and this inclusion is evident through newsletters, photographs and attendance at parish and community events

 Which specialist services do we access beyond the school?


·         Occupational Therapy

·         Educational Psychology

·         Physiotherapy

·         Speech and Language

·         CAMHS

·         School Nurse Service

·         ASD

·         Independent Travel




We are also part of the East Calderdale Learning Cluster where expertise is shared between schools.

 How do we evaluate and review the support provided?


  • Regular review meetings of targets with parents/carers and when possible other agencies
  • Progress meetings with individual staff
  • Talk to the children
  • Tracking pupil progress

 How do we deal with complaints regarding our provision for children and young people with SEN?


  • In the first instance our SENCo will listen to parent/carer concerns about SEN provision and where possible provide in school solutions
  • The SENCo and Headteacher (along with the Senior Leadership Team if appropriate) will discuss any issue raised that the SENCo cannot resolve with the class teacher/parent/carer

A complaints policy is in place should parents/carers feel they need to take this step. See Complaints Procedure in the Statutory Information tab.