In partnership with

St Joseph's Catholic Primary Academy, Finkil Street, Brighouse HD6 2NT

01484 713037

St Joseph's Catholic Primary Academy

We are proud to work with all the Catholic schools across our two local authority areas, particularly as the Trust grows and benefits from the expertise and knowledge that other schools joining in the future will bring.

Visit Us



Mrs Slack is our Class Teacher.

Miss Edwards is our Teaching Assistant.

Please contact Mrs Slack using messenger on Class Dojo and keep a look out on the class story for what we are learning about!

If it is urgent please contact the office and they will do their best to help you.

Curriculum Overview for Year 4

Our RE for this half term is 

Jesus the Saviour 

We will learn that Jesus is truly God and truly human and learn that Jesus came to share our life so that we can share his life. We will learn that when Jesus died on the cross he took away our sins, and learn what happened in Holy week.

At Home:

You could help your children by:

  • reading the stories of Jesus’ last week 
  • visiting church during Holy Week




 Your money will help ensure children in some of the poorest parts of the world are fed at school, enabling them to learn. 

 Class Saint

Year 4 class saint is St Andrew who is the patron saint of Scotland.

Our VIRTUE for this half term is 



 Our My Happy Mind focus for this half term is 


The unit focuses on recognising things in our lives we are grateful for thinking about experiences, people and ourselves.







 This half term we are learning in... 



We are learning the Anglo-Saxons and the Scots


In Computing we will be learning how to collect data collection and logging


 In Art we will be looking at the work of Georgia O'Keeffe.

Our School Mission!

God asks us to   

be the best version of ourselves.

God asks us to

try our best and keep everyone learning.

God asks us to

keep ourselves and others healthy and safe.

God asks us to

accept everyone.

God asks us to

look after others and the world around us.

Let us

Love, Learn and Live in Christ!


 Our Class Mission 

In Year 4….

  • We listen to others
  • We think about our actions
  • We work hard and don’t give up
  • We do what is expected and are kind to everyone
  • We are respectful to everyone and everything
  • We tell the truth and say sorry

Class Notices

  • Year 4 go swimming every Thursday. Children need a swimming costume/trunks (not baggy shorts) and a towel. They can bring goggles 

PE is on a WEDNESDAY all children need a PE kit - shorts and white t-shirt and pumps for this term


This term our PE focus is  



will go out on a Monday to by returned the following Monday. 


Over half term please practise our songs for our production

Amazing Love


will go out on Monday for a test on the Friday   

 24th February

's' sound spelt 'sc'

science     scissors

crescent       ascent

discipline        descent

fascinate          scientist

scent           scenery


Please practise these words

Reading: read every day (either school book and reading for pleasure).

When your child has finished their reading book, please remind them to place it in the 'books to be changed' box in class.


Every Thursday your child can change their library book. Please encourage them to look after the books they bring home and return them to school as soon as they have finished reading them.


Please encourage your child to practise their times tables 

Times table Games